The Advent Mage Cycle
Ever since the Great Magic War of 200 years ago, mages have been extinct. Garth is not happy being the first mage to awaken, for Chahir persecutes not only those who have magic, but their families as well. He manages to make it across to Hain in time, though not before being turned into one of the legendary Jaunten along the way.
As Garth learns and practices his new magic in safety, more and more mages are awakening in his home country. Unable to leave them in danger, Garth and a team of soldiers set forth to rescue all magicians from Chahir.
And if it just so happens that he's the mage of prophecy, destined to Balance their world, well, at least he has help.
Advent Mage Cycle Reading Order:
The books are basically written in chronological order. The only exception to this is that Dragon's Mage and Lost Mage happen at the same time in the timeline. The Warlords Trilogy can be read alone but it will make more sense to start with Jaunten. With that in mind, the best option is to read them like this:
The Dragon's Mage
The Lost Mage
Warlords Rising
Warlords Ascending
Warlords Reigning
Jaunten - Book One of the Advent Mage Cycle
Twenty of them finally poured out into the open street. They quickly split up, coming in at a full run that slowed about ten feet away from us. I watched with a cynical eye, as they spread out in a semi-circle, blocking our path. One of them, judging from the red piping in the dusky brown uniform he wore, was the Squad Captain. He advanced a step in front of his men. “We have detected someone with magical abilities. Hand them over immediately, and your lives will be spared.”
Oh please. Spare me the lies. Without any encouragement on my part, Night took a step forward, drawing the captain’s eyes to me. I straightened to my full height, looking down at him coldly. “I am Rhebengarthen, Earth Mage and child of the Jaunten. Who are you to stand in my way?”
Magus - Book Two of the Advent Mage Cycle
“That boy thinks the world of you,” Xiaolang murmured. “And…” he visibly hesitated, slanting a questioning look at me from the corner of his eye.
“And…?” I encouraged him. Xiaolang rarely hesitates in his speech. When he wanted to say something, he said it.
“He’ll be very important in the future,” Xiaolang murmured. “I’m not sure how to put this…” he paused, mouth rummaging for words. “Something will change very soon, Garth. Someone will be discovered who will change everything. When that happens, you need to trust Trev’nor like he trusts you. Much will be lost otherwise.”
I looked, really looked at Trev’nor. Trev’nor has always been special, a child prodigy in a life that had no child prodigies. My head was swimming with questions after Xiaolang’s revelation. Who was the boy we were to rescue, and why was Trev’nor so important for that boy?
Advent - Book Three of the Advent Mage Cycle
“Good work, Balancer.”
I frowned at the title. “All I did was transport her here, Raile.”
“Yes, so you did,” he agreed in a tone that clearly didn’t agree with me at all. “Perhaps you don’t consciously realize this, Garth, but its little things like this that are restoring balance to Chahir. No task can be done in just one stroke of effort; it takes many strokes, and much sustained effort.”
He’s right. I started reviewing all of the things I had done over the past two years, memories flicking through my head almost too fast to follow. Each choice led to another; my choice to leave my home in Tobadorage and seek refuge in Hain led directly to my actions now, bringing a Queen into exile. And each choice, each action on my part, had started the chain reaction that was bringing magic back into Chahir.
Balancer- Book Four of the Advent Mage Cycle
This is the final book of the Advent Mage Cycle. Here is the conclusion to Garth's amazing story.
The Dragon’s Mage - An Advent Mage Novel
This book is from the Advent Mage Cycle, focusing on the young Fire Mage Haikrysen.
Once upon a time, there was a dragon…
Take one newly trained Fire Mage. Make him the first (sane) Fire Mage that’s been born in the past two hundred years. Have him leave home and venture into the Empire of Sol.
Add one powerful, curious, fire-eating dragon.
Fire Mage Haikrysen never imagined that he would be adopted out of the blue by a dragon. But then, he never thought he’d find a permanent home in the northern section of Sol, working as a firefighter either. Still, he likes his new home and adores his dragon companion—even if she does hoard jewelry and eats whole sheep for breakfast.
But his peaceful days end abruptly when an arsonist starts torching the eastern section of the empire, his attacks becoming progressively bigger and faster. It’s beginning to look like he’s another insane Fire Mage on the loose.
Krys, Kaya, and his partner Mari are sent to investigate, but they have no idea what the aim of the arsonist is, and very little knowledge of the man. Desperate, the three of them race against time to catch the madman before he burns a path across the whole empire, and everyone in it.
Dragon’s Mage by Honor Raconteur, set in the Advent Mage world, features the returning character of Haikrysen, the first real Fire Mage of his generation.
The Lost Mage - An Advent Mage Novel
Freezing mid-step, I stared in disbelief. There, standing very calmly in front of me, was a Gardener. Copying what I’d seen Garth do, I slowly sank to one knee and held out a hand.
“Riicshaden,” he hailed in a surprisingly deep and clear voice, “I greet you.”
“Well met,” I responded shakily. Busted buckets, his voice and presence in my head was overwhelming. How had Garth done this? And several times to boot!
“We have a task for you.”
“Ahhh…” It was probably stupid, but I felt compelled to ask anyway. “You sure you want me? Not Garth?”
“We have a task for you,” he repeated patiently, a twinkle in his eye. “A young Weather Mage has awakened in Chahir.”
A thrill of pure joy and relief shot through me. A Weather Mage. A Weather Mage! YES! I’d feared I’d never hear that another would live.
“You are relieved to hear this.”
“I am,” I admitted, probably uselessly as he could feel everything I felt. “Chahir just doesn’t look right to me.”
“The land is not as it should be. We awakened a mage and have given her the task of restoring the land.”
“Wait, you said ‘her.’ The new Weather Mage is a girl?”
“Yes. She is lost. We task you, Riicshaden. You must find her. You must protect her. She is very precious and if she dies, there will not be another to replace her.”
Advent Mage Compendium
A series of deleted scenes from the Advent Mage quartet
The Warlords Trilogy
On a search for dragons, mages Becca, Trev'nor, and Nolan are captured in a country that believes magicians are nothing more than slaves. And while fighting against an entire country is not something just three people can handle - even if they are prodigy mages - they don't have much of a choice. There is an abhorrent evil right in front of their eyes and they have one of two options: fight or flee.
Unfortunately for Khobunter, no one has ever taught them how to run.
Warlords Rising - Book One of Warlords
Weather Mage Riicbeccaan has a plan. As plans go, this is a pretty good one. Officially, she needs to go into the Khobunter-Libendorf area to figure out what is messing with her weather patterns. Unofficially, since they are going that far north, it’s the perfect opportunity to get dragons. Sure, traveling that direction is dangerous, but with Trev’nor and Nolan going along, there isn’t much to worry about, as three full-trained mages can handle just about anything.
But from the moment the three set foot in Khobunter, nothing goes according to plan. The whole world knows that Khobunter is a political mess, but there’s another, darker layer underneath it all that no one speaks of. The three prodigy mages are ensnared by it before they can fully comprehend what’s going on.
Fighting against an entire country is not something that just three people can handle, even if they are mages. Becca, Nolan, and Trev’nor don’t have much of a choice, though. There is an abhorrent evil right in front of their eyes and they only have one of two options: fight or flee.
Unfortunately for Khobunter, no one has ever taught them how to run.
Warlords Ascending - Book Two of Warlords
Earth Mage Rhebentrev’noren never expected to be warlord of anywhere, much less Khobunter. For that matter, he never expected to receive orders directly from a Gardener, which is an experience and a half all by itself. Not that he can properly dwell on it, with everything else demanding his attention.
In this harsh, desert land, the new warlords are missing half of the resources they require. They need to build their own magical academy, but sorely lack enough trained magicians to run it. They need to conquer the rest of Riyu without making the same mistakes they did at Alred Watchtower, but don’t possess the means to pull it off. Willpower, dragons, and magic can only carry them so far. They need more allies and time to gather them with.
Unfortunately, the remaining warlords of Khobunter have no intention of giving them that time.
Warlords Reigning - Book Three of Warlords
The Empire of Sol is satisfied that the new Warlords of Khobunter intend to be good neighbors. The problem is, neither Becca nor Trev’nor can rightfully claim to be warlords over all of Khobunter. They still have two pesky warlords to either charm into surrendering or take by brute force.
Becca doesn’t like her odds in conquering Von.
The last warlord in the north has made it very clear that the new warlords can take the territory over his dead body. And Von supports it by gathering every able magician he possesses into his stronghold.
It will take considerable magic and might to break through, and the potential for damage near catastrophic. Becca quickly realizes that they’re not going to breach the walls, not with the force she has available, but they don’t have the time for a leisurely siege. There’s only one option left to them—the very thing Becca swore they’d never do: call home for help.
And pray someone answers.
Character Guide
I'm told that some of my names are difficult to pronounce. (This is not my fault. Really! I didn't come up with most of them!) And there are a great many characters in this series, so it's a little difficult to keep track of everyone. Below are my character guides as well as a sound file of how to pronounce them. Just for, you know, the truly curious.
Allan and Liah Gaines—Jaunten doctors that adopt Trev'nor
BycLewsh—(bī ˈklesh) Wizard and Head of Taab Liiben in the Academy for All Magic
Didi—('dee "dee) the Meuritta; a flying creature that can pick any lock devised by man
Dolanaslan "Asla"—('do-"lan 'as-lan) a young Witch rescued by Garth in Chahir
Dolanaralen "Aral"—('do-"lan 'aral "en) Asla's three year old son, also a Wizard
Elis—(ell is) a Jaunten found by Garth; he is Garth's Jaunten ancestor
En-Nelle of Tain—(in-nel ta-en) Witch and Head of the Trasdee Evondit Orra.
Guin Braehorn—('gu-"win 'bre-"horn) King of Hain
Hevencoran—Life Mage that comes from Chahir
Hevenreien—Hevencoran's older brother; he is turned Jaunten by Garth
Jalch Bryer of Norlan—Wizard and Head of Magical Creatures in the Academy for All Magic
Jarod Toumen—a Wizard that comes to help in Jward
Karmen—Professor of Weapons at the Academy
Kulpon Doss—Earth Wizard and Dean of the Administration Department in the Academy for All Magic
L-Chattamoinita Delheart "Chatta"—a gifted Witch and Garth's best friend
Landis—Captain of the Jward City Guard
Marcus Narain—Wizard from Jward that helps out
Night—a Nreesce that claims Garth as his Rider; true name: Trivoxor
Raimon Elion—Patriarch of the Order of Eyl-Szen in Jward
Rhebengarthen "Garth"—Earth Mage and child of the Jaunten; from Chahir
Rhebenarden "Arden"- Garth's father, a blacksmith
Rhebenbraeden "Braeden"- Garth's older brother
Rhebenjaylan "Jaylan"- Garth's mother
Rhebenkaydan "Kaydan"—Garth's sister
Rhebenxajen "Xajen"- Garth's oldest brother
Roarke Kartal—a Wizard prodigy from Hain
Roha of Del—DauZmor to the Tonkawacon
Small Rider—a Tonkawacon Master Horse Trainer who lives near Jward
Strishkit O'danne—Wizard of Air and Head of Sojavel Ra in the Academy for All Magic
Sven Delheart—Chatta's father; Royal Speaker and Lord of Chasmiss
Trev'nor—a young Earth Mage given to Garth to train by Roha of Del
Val Haben—Head of Jaunten
Vevcor Baurn—a young Wizard and classmate to Garth
Vonlorisen—King of Chahir
Trasdee Evondit Orra—Magic Council
Jaunten—a clan of magically enhanced people; the title means "Blood Inheritance"
Nreesce—a magical creature that outwardly resembles a horse, but has a sentient mind; made by a Life Mage during the Magic War
Meuritta— a small, winged creature that looks like a cross between a cat and a bat. Known for their love of string and locks
Tonkowacon—a nomadic people who are famous for their horses -
De Xiaolang—Captain of the Red Hand, an Ascalon Mercenary outfit
De Shiolang—De Xiaolang’s uncle
Captain Magavero—Captain that takes Xiaolang under his wing
Chaelene Braehorn—Queen of Hain and Guin’s wife
Colonel Capka—colonel that gets De Xiaolang promoted to Captain
General Bellflower— one of De Xiaolang’s superior officers
General Gibaldi—other general in Ascalon, far more open than Bellflower
Shield Garbracen—first lieutenant, shocking white hair and dark skin
Hazard Harewood—intelligence officer, bear of a man
Aletha Saboton—infiltration specialist
Eagle Sevar—language specialist, tall, bleached hair golden brown eyes
Overlyten—the Dom of Jarrell
Remcarparoden—arsonist Mage from Jarrell
Captain Riicshaden—a Captain of the (old) Jarrell Castle Guard. Quite the character.
Li Shen—one of the Remcar-ol; grandfatherly type with a sharp mind
Yu Tung— one of the Remcar-ol; Tall, energetic and very curious
An Quon—one of the Remcar-ol; de facto leader of the group
An Meiling—one of the Remcar-ol; small, but definitely in charge
Magus Tyvendor—Air Mage from Coven Ordan
Hay-el D'Auch—Life Mage
Magus Terran Far-Auchmage—Water Mage
De Shin, De Chan—three year old Q'atalian twins that hung on Garth
Rheijennan—Elemental Mage
Sallah—Earth Mage, Garth’s cousin
Don—Wizard of Coven Ordan, Sallah’s brother in law
Aral Bender—Sallah’s husband, Elemental Mage
Raile Blackover—Wizard, and unofficial leader of Coven Ordan
Rhebenhelan—Asla’s daughter
Lyra Doddridge—Witch and research at the Sojavel Ra Institute
Adam Fawcett—Wizard and research at the Sojavel Ra Institute
Jems—Jaunten, Elis’s brother
Nihuishen—Wizard, leader of the pool magicians
Jillian—Life Mage that tries to bribe Night away
Dolanaiden—Asla’s husband that Garth turned Jaunten
Hayden—Elemental Mage adopted by Rhebens
Sojavel Ra Institute—think tank of magic in Hain
Coven Ordan—city of the descendants of the Chahiran magicians
Solians say: Ainlie (or Ain, short) for greetings (actually means "Let's be friendly")
Remnant say: "We seek the Balance" with arms spread to sides
Dragoo—a dragon-like creature that has a simple language and loves heat
Nekon—catlike creature from Libendorf, typical prey for dragoos