Imagineer - Grimoire 1
Our Heroine: Me. And boy, are we all in trouble. A seventeen-year-old with a love of fantasy and unmanageable hair? Hardly anyone’s idea of the knight in shining armor. I went about life with no idea the world around me was not as it seemed, until one dark night I saw glimpses of things I knew shouldn’t exist.
I’ve got enough problems of my own to deal with, but the glimpses of what I’m certain is a magical world tantalize me like no other. When I find a pair of turquoise glasses that allow me to properly see everything, I put those bad boys on without a second of hesitation.
I probably should have hesitated. I’m now neck deep in kobolds, pookas, magic castles, youkai, unruly werewolves, talking houses, and an ancient magical mystery in need of solving.
Oh, and magic lessons. Turns out I’m an Imagineer, which was totally unexpected. An Imagineer creates by using imagination, willpower, and magic to form whatever they wish. Their only limitation is imagination, and imagination? Has no limits.
At least, if you’re doing it right.
Magic is REAL, like really real, intellectual competency, if that even is a thing, I made it a thing, terrible parenting, friendship 101, awesome sidekicks, Reagan being BAMF, because she’s awesome that way, wendigos, and other scary creatures, cool grandmothers, road trip!, Brazil, a little India, complex magic, imagination has no limit, Mongolian metal music, fluff, all the feels, bizarre roommates, modern with magic, magic engineering, sort of based on reality, I don’t even know, I tried, a bit of kidnapping, featuring special guest star: kobold, no pookas were harmed in the making of this story
Excantation - Grimoire 2
Being an adult is the dumbest thing I have ever done.
Our Heroine: still me. A sleep-deprived me, which, considering I’m a murder and ten cups of coffee away from showing my displeasure to the world, and there’re clans to save, is not a good combination.
Fixing the ancient Hub transportation system is becoming more and more of a priority in order to help with situations like, oh, THE AMAZON BURNING DOWN. Only problem? We don’t know where the Hub is. Or how it was built. Or why it was shut down to begin with.
Houston, we have all the problems.
Is it too much to ask for an alien abduction?
family of choice, figuring out ancient complex magical systems is more difficult than it appears, Reagan is so done, Reagan needs hugs, basically everyone needs hugs, there are a lot of issues, Reagan is one scary Mofo, be glad she’s on our side, hijinks and shenanigans, imagination has no limit, thinking outside the box, teenagers changing the world, female PoC heroine, jet lag is the worst, especially when hopping multiple continents, walking with druids